Strengthening Systems for Improved Access to Health and Rights (SyAHAR Project)

In collaboration with local implementing partners and local government, CARE Nepal through the SyAHAR (Strengthening Systems for Improved Access to Health and Rights) project is improving access to quality, equitable maternal, newborn, and reproductive health services in remotest and underserved communities of Nepal. The project is practicing a holistic approach by strengthening local healthcare systems and addressing quality issues and inequality associated with maternal, newborn, and reproductive health. Together with local governments, CARE is working to build birthing centers and equip them, train healthcare workers, enhance innovative technologies such as tele-medicine, and implement systems that ensure accountability for responsive and quality services.

Mothers with their newborns who gave birth at the Anapani Birthing Center

Moreover, CARE is supporting adolescent girls by improving their access to sexual and reproductive healthcare information and services. CARE is doing this by building Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) infrastructure in schools, including menstrual health hygiene facilities, developing adolescent health corners in schools and by providing training to teachers on adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH). This provides opportunities to raise awareness about menstrual health and hygiene for adolescents who might not otherwise receive it. In addition, the project is working with the marginalized women and girls to address the inequitable gender and social norms that restrict them to achieve their best possible health and lives through gender-transformative approach i.e. Social Analysis and Action (SAA). The purpose of SAA is to promote support for sexual, reproductive, and maternal health and rights while assisting participants in identifying and challenging restrictive norms and working collaboratively to create more equitable ones.

Project Location: Jajarkot District

Current Project Location: Ward no 1, 6, 10 and 12 of Nalgad Muncipality

Previous local level supported by project: ward no 9-Paink and ward no 2-Talegaun of Kushe Rural Municipality (July 2021- July 2022), Jajarkot

Target groups: Women of reproductive age (15-49 years) and adolescent girls (10-19 years)

The SyAHAR project, previously known as Increasing Access to Maternal Health Services in Remote Communities (IAMR) was initiated in 2018 in Sindhupalchowk district in partnership with local organization Tuki Association Sunkoshi to support in building health system for quality maternal and newborn services. The project built four birthing centers and eight girl-friendly toilets. The project was implemented for the duration of two years in Sindhupalchowk. This project is currently being implemented in Jajarkot district since 2021. Currently CARE is working with Hilly Development Region Campaign, Jajarkot (HRDC) to support government in reaching marginalized and vulnerable communities with quality maternal and newborn health services. The project has already built four birthing centers with tele-medicine services and five girl-friendly toilets in schools in the district. The project is also supporting other primary health facilities in the district with solar back-up system and essential equipment for smooth operations.